Nov 24, 2010
I drip with an obnoxious pride, today is my last day at the design position I have held for the past 3 years. I have wanted this very much for about a year, perhaps longer. A year is a long time to want something. I start my new job as a greeting card designer on Monday. I hope I do not hate it with the passion that I hated this job. Surely, if I have room in my heart to be so miserable, I can feel happiness and contentment at an equal measure.
Oct 30, 2010
National Novel Writing Month
I was tinkering with my new website, which happens to link to this blog; which inspired me to click on the link, which lead me here, and so I've decided to write something. Hello! I am getting excited to write because I am saying for now that I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month, which is November. I hope I have the stamina. I have a vague path in my mind of a story, but for the most part it's murky. The point is to write. A bunch. I will be very verbose and over descriptive, the way I am with everything. I'll probably end up writing a young adult novel about dogs and embroidery.
Jul 21, 2010
A Vaguely Hawaiian Thank You

Jul 12, 2010
Jul 9, 2010
Jul 8, 2010
I was combing through earlier posts and was quite intrigued to come across my 2K10 goal universe that I devised earlier in the year with Michele and then quickly forgot about. While I have not really made King Popcorn the priority I thought I would this year; I see that I have not been entirely avoiding my to-do list either. For instance, I moved! The overall care and health of Popcorn is steady (although he is a bit thinner than I'd like); AND, I am crazy about my boyfriend, who I met this year. Although, clearly when making this list, I meant for boys to be a low priority, as the goals of most importance have been clustered together. "Boys" is like a far off moon, perhaps Pluto? Nevertheless, I'm happy that this moon has been explored this year.
Anyway, even though I'm only just getting back into the swing of King Popcorn things, I haven't not been making anything of late. Like this card, which I will now try to profit from...
Jul 7, 2010
New on Etsy, Cont'd.

Jul 6, 2010
New Cards On Etsy
The "Hello" Card! made with Michele, revamped!
The "Keep Your Chin Up" Card made with Michele, revamped!
The Bird Nest Card speaks for itself.
The "Keep Your Chin Up" Card made with Michele, revamped!
The Bird Nest Card speaks for itself.
Jul 5, 2010
Homage to Popcorn
King Popcorn's Legacy from Mr. Junior on Vimeo.
Here's a wonderful video my friend Sean made all about Popcorn in Prospect Park, co-starring my redheaded roommates Tim & Tara! I watch it everyday!
Jul 2, 2010
Tracy, Take Me With You
This card is part of a series of collaborations with Michele, and one of my back burner projects is to make duplicate cards for her. But something always comes up, and I end up giving the cards away before I can pass them on to her. Like today. It is my friend Tracy's last day at our office; a very proud, tear-jerking event- as it's been a long awaited goal of her's to move on from this place. When making this card, I thought it was a sentiment that not many people would have a need for; and therefore, not a terribly practical card to make. But I have no doubts of its use now, as I feel that it is the perfect send-off card for work friends moving on with their professional lives from their downtrodden co-workers.
So I guess I should start making another card for Michele to have...
So I guess I should start making another card for Michele to have...
Jul 1, 2010
Sprucing Things Up
Here's a different tone for this illustration with incredibly sappy tendencies. I'm super pleased with the faux-wood cardstock that I splurged on at Paper Presentation, and the soft brown thread works way better than the original prototype that uses black. I enjoy improving!
Jun 29, 2010

I don't think it's just okay to have down periods. I think it's necessary. I can tell I'm waking up, and it feels good. If I never went away, ever, what reason would I have to say "Hello" again? I am wearing pink lipstick and contact lenses, and I am bright-eyed. You'll see after the jump that I have been sewing, but I'm also starting to work on a series of drawings of embroidered sentiments- I just don't have the texture down yet.I am determined to be pleased with this, eventually.
Apr 9, 2010
Feb 15, 2010
My Favorite Valentine
Hand delivered just in time! I'm so excited to collaborate with Marcy on more cards. She has a dormant copywriter living inside of her.
Jan 29, 2010
Jan 27, 2010
Jan 25, 2010
I recently got a thank you card from my aunt & uncle thanking me for sending them this card that I made in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. They're pretty humble folks who don't mess with too much flash, so I'm glad they could appreciate a bit of bling in their lives. If ever there was a time to do so, it'd be for your 50th, right?
Jan 22, 2010
Jan 15, 2010
Jan 14, 2010
Howard's Motivational Task Master, Ep. 1
Welcome to the first entry of Howard's Motivational Task Master- which I hope will grow into the encouraging battle plan I need in order to accomplish all of my lofty goals. Howard, I miss making eye contact with you, this picture does not replace you. After the jump is the 2010 brainstorm and business plan for King Popcorn that Michele and I devised while drinking the incredible hot chocolate at OST. To be honest, I am mostly posting these notes because I am afraid of losing the originals, and then Michele would never help me organize my brain again. I have a tough time making a list- so having it all laid out in front of me is pretty thrilling. But as you'll see, my note-taking style is not all that specific, and so there are a lot of holes to fill.
Jan 12, 2010
Tragic Mistake(s)
I was nearly done this card when I realized that I not only did I NOT approve of mixing tinsel and cotton thread together, but that I had an unforgivable grammatical error in my text. As a reminder, I always keep these botched attempts, and actually, I'm quite fond of them. Here's the redo.

Jan 11, 2010
How much sugar is in this?!
I've been working with this same french dot design for a while now- and there's just something about it that always moves me to write the most -too sweet to eat- phrases that make some people coo and others vomit. Like right now, I'm in a pretty vile mood- so this photo has me wincing. But I totally thought of this design and phrase, and I spent a couple hours sewing it- so surely there's a part of me tucked away somewhere that chirps like all the happy birds out there. But I am not one of them now.
Jan 9, 2010
Pretty Genius
Everyone knows and loves Jessica Hagy already, right?
I know I'm just another one of her admirers, but she hit me hard. Real hard.
Jan 7, 2010
Violent Nostalgia
Today I sent off this piece in the mail- somebody bought something! Hurrah! It was actually purchased weeks ago, but I had to hold onto it because I was sending it directly to the recipient so that they could receive it at the appropriate time.

I first wrote this phrase in an email which I never sent to my friend Alla- who quit her job where we worked together to become a writer (of plays!) I fell in love with her when she described some forgettable thing as "baby heaven"... She had a way of ushering a dozen people to lunch at once. When she saw me, she would wave her arm with her entire body to say a ridiculously loud "HELLO!", especially if I were only 2 inches away. In return, I gave her the most imperceptible of smiles. Some weeks after Alla quit, I was having a lonely time at my desk, much like I am now (but for new, more depressing reasons). I was perched on my work table looking out onto the office. Way at the other end, the length of a basketball court, Ebony was standing in front of the windows- and when she looked in my direction, she waved that wave of ridiculous enthusiasm. Without thinking, I waved back to her with every bit of strength that I could muster; and much to my surprise, my heart broke.
Jan 5, 2010
Identity Forests
So here's the Etsy Shop banner that I've had since the beginning in 2007. Nothing is the same since then, so why should this dinosaur remain? I slash it down!
The process of replacing it is probably more difficult for me than it should be- but right off the bat I can plug in a few things from my current design habits and templates and apply them here (Looks familiar, right?):
I'm using this now in the King Popcorn shop, and I don't think it's the permanent change- but it's a start. I might opt to really invest some time into hand-sewing something and then scanning it- but I'd prefer it to be a graphic. I like the warmer peachy-ness and the design elements in this banner are actual elements used in my products- but it's not the weighty anchor that the original banner is. And now that I really look at it, I'm wondering if perhaps I don't like this because I am tired of these elements- and if I should make myself a whole new visual lexicon- a much larger, more daunting project that would retire a lot of these tricky vicky things that I make. Not to mention my blog banner. King Popcorn Classic. And if that's the case, then I should just have a clean typeface with a symbol-y logo- that can be tagged on anything, no matter the style. I get lost so easily.
I love this Quicksand typeface, it's hard to resist using the dashed version...But I really can't be that person, can I?
I might end up doing something stitched-like, but perhaps I'll draw it myself. I had drawn something a few months ago, but looking at it now, it has nothing to do with anything, does it?
The process of replacing it is probably more difficult for me than it should be- but right off the bat I can plug in a few things from my current design habits and templates and apply them here (Looks familiar, right?):
I'm using this now in the King Popcorn shop, and I don't think it's the permanent change- but it's a start. I might opt to really invest some time into hand-sewing something and then scanning it- but I'd prefer it to be a graphic. I like the warmer peachy-ness and the design elements in this banner are actual elements used in my products- but it's not the weighty anchor that the original banner is. And now that I really look at it, I'm wondering if perhaps I don't like this because I am tired of these elements- and if I should make myself a whole new visual lexicon- a much larger, more daunting project that would retire a lot of these tricky vicky things that I make. Not to mention my blog banner. King Popcorn Classic. And if that's the case, then I should just have a clean typeface with a symbol-y logo- that can be tagged on anything, no matter the style. I get lost so easily.
I love this Quicksand typeface, it's hard to resist using the dashed version...But I really can't be that person, can I?
I might end up doing something stitched-like, but perhaps I'll draw it myself. I had drawn something a few months ago, but looking at it now, it has nothing to do with anything, does it?
Alas, to be continued. But these are the current state of affairs.
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