Welcome to the first entry of Howard's Motivational Task Master- which I hope will grow into the encouraging battle plan I need in order to accomplish all of my lofty goals. Howard, I miss making eye contact with you, this picture does not replace you. After the jump is the 2010 brainstorm and business plan for King Popcorn that Michele and I devised while drinking the incredible hot chocolate at OST. To be honest, I am mostly posting these notes because I am afraid of losing the originals, and then Michele would never help me organize my brain again. I have a tough time making a list- so having it all laid out in front of me is pretty thrilling. But as you'll see, my note-taking style is not all that specific, and so there are a lot of holes to fill.
Ok Howard. So above is the 'project' excerpt from my 2010 goals in space and time. Obviously, all of these subjects need to be explored, but Michele and I chose to concentrate on King Popcorn.- coming up with realistic goals- what to keep doing, what to forget about, and what might be worth exploring. Below are specifics goals, and a long awaited list of card categories that should make up my inventory. I've had this notepad from Vibe for years. It's such a hearty tablet. I wonder how those people are all doing...
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